In line with the expected increase in traffic at Sarajevo
International Airport in the last few months, works on the refurbishment of
existing facilities are taking place with the aim to provide the highest
quality service to passengers and other users. "Our goal is to offer to passengers,
users of Airport services and related services (Border Police, Sanitary
Inspection, Customs, etc.) spacious comfort, better working conditions and the
expansion of the overall missing services. So, we want to fulfill the positive
expectations of passengers, Airlines and other users of Airport services in
accordance with International Standards, explains Acting Director for
Development of the International Airport Sarajevo Mr. Alan Bajić.
Mandatory Procedures
Broadly speaking, the optimizing of Airport Terminal is an
extremely complex and demanding project. So far, we expanded the inbound gate
and the new Customs Counter Communication in the public space as well as the
new Lost & Found Counter, Communication in the protected area. We also
created a much more manipulative space for delivering baggage and a larger
space strip for handling the outgoing baggage. Also it is planned to install three
more check-in counters (increase from 12 to 15) for passengers and baggage
including the increase in number of counters for passport control, automation
lane for departing baggage with additional X-Ray Devices as well as a larger
office space for ancillary services. All this above mentioned, certainly will
shorten the waiting time in the process of registration of passengers, baggage
and cargo. It will also significantly speed up the process of the luggage
counter view so that the time of sorting and dispatch of luggage would be
minimized and the realization of aircraft operation accelerated. The additional
X-Ray Device ensures continuity in operations and is used as a substitute in
case the other device gets interrupted in work.

"During rush hour in
arrivals we shall accelerate the process of issuance of luggage, because we
provided the opportunity to work on both baggage strips, which opens the
possibility of a more rational and efficient management of luggage in the
sorting. The installation of new counters for passport control also opens the
possibility for increasing the number of employees, so directly affecting on
the growing number of inputs and outputs which are reflected in the rate of
screening of passengers and travel documents. The novelty of opening the
Counter Services Communications for the ITA (Customs) in the public and
protected zone provides passengers seamless communication with customs
officials. The same model is applied on the Counter Communication Service forLost and Found Luggage so that now passengers have the ability to communicate with
Airport staff from the public and protected zones, emphasizes Executive
Director Bajić.

Such large projects always carry some risk, but when it comes
to Sarajevo International Airport the present risk is in time limits. In fact,
as a Public Company, the Airport must respect binding procedures of the Public
Procurement, given that any appeal of the participants of the public tenders -
especially when it comes to this complex and multidisciplinary projects -
directly impacts on the realization and implementation schedule of the project.
The risk may also be the delivery of purchased equipment due to possible
problems in transport and custom procedures, especially since most of the
equipment comes from European Union countries. "We are deducted in time
with the fact that most of the work is carried out at night, due to mandatory
and necessary security work verification during the closure of the airport,
effective work time reduces which in turn has a direct impact on the implementation
schedule. But so far we have been able to manage all these risks, "says Bajić.

The Contribution of all Sectors All necessary work operations (start-off,
implementation, supervision and commissioning) are carried out by a team of
professional staff and Airport Departments. For demanding construction,
mechanical and electrical work, we hired outside contractors. The work on the
installation of low voltage is carried out by the employees of the Sector for Information and Communication
Technologies of Sarajevo Airport. The main objective of each Airport, including
Sarajevo, is the increasing number of passengers and operations, which in
itself requires a larger spatial capacity of all its departments and service.
Accordingly, the initiator of this project is The Sector for Transport who sent
out its requests to the Development Department which again initiated and led
all of these activities. "Surely, we cannot omit any Airport
Organizational Unit, because everyone at some stage of the project realization
contributed to this process, for example: the Transport Sector, Technique and
Maintenance Sector, ICT Sector and the Sector for Development actively
participated in the initial design stage. Also, we must note that our
colleagues from the Border Police, Customs, Sanitary Inspection had an active
participation in the design phase. Colleagues from the Sector for Commercial
Activities and the Finance and Legal Sector were engaged after the conceptual
design, and during the stage of procurement of works, services and equipment
for the implementation of this project. During Construction works, colleagues
from the Sector of ICT and Technology, and colleagues from the Sector for
Security and Protection actively participated with their engagement in physical
and technical security and guarded the space where works were carried out"
says Bajić.

One can therefore say, without false modesty, that Sarajevo
International Airport actually has professional and qualified staff ready to
face professional challenges, regardless of whether they are smaller projects
such as maintenance or strategic projects that will take place in the near
future. Business Plan When it comes to further feature plans to develop the
Airport, it should be noted that, following the objectives of the Reform
Agenda, the new Management of the Company has created an ambitious business
plan, which was approved by the Supervisory Board as well as the Assembly of
the Company. The Business Plan focuses on the realization of important projects
that can quickly provide the conditions for a smooth process of handling of aircraft, passengers, baggage, cargo and mail, with a projected magnification
of passengers to one million and the implementation of strategic development
projects in business performances of an Airport.

Development projects that are planned to be implemented are: